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2010 What is sexual addiction?

This paper discussed sexual addiction as a complex topic that frequently prompts much negative judgement due to its recurrent patterns of betrayal, illumination of previously concealed sexual activities, exposure of unknowing partners to disease risk, and partner threat. Additionally, frequent sexual stimulation was reported to persist despite grave negative consequences in sexual addiction, which is a chronic, relapsing condition. Arguments were also made about sexual addiction as a type of impulse control disease, where it was viewed from the impulsive perspective as risk-takers who pursue pleasure without considering the effects on themselves and others. In this essay, a few further points were raised, such as the notions of relationship disorder and sexual addiction as subtypes of compulsive behavior.

2010 The impact of compulsive cybersex behaviors on the family.

The family is frequently ignored when treating compulsive and sexual addiction. This led to this study that was inspired by a quick survey that was completed by 91 women and three men who felt they had suffered major negative effects as a result of another person’s involvement in cybersex. This reveals more that this condition affects the family as a whole as well as the recognized patient, spouse, or partner. Couples in this article who separated or divorced reported that cybersex addiction was a significant contributing factor. Partners reported that they thought that having affairs online was just as emotionally unpleasant as having affairs in person or offline.

2010 Sexual misconduct by health professionals; Rehabilitation of offenders.

One of the most heinous acts a health worker could commit is having sexual contact with a patient or client. Discipline is meted out when this occur, however it varies depending on the particulars of each incidence of exploitation, such as license revocation, fines, and suspension. On the other hand, when it is essential, rehabilitation is also provided and may involve counselling, restricted practice, clinical supervision, and few others.

2010 The internet and sexuality; A literature review.

Internet sexuality is a “hot topic” in therapeutic circles, and a study of the relevant literature serves as the foundation for this sound research and hypotheses. It can also help clinicians understand and incorporate theory and fact into their interventions. Internet sexuality, which can include masturbation and other activities like pornography, is thought to be addictive and can occasionally result in problems with intimacy and interpersonal relationships. Asides the earlier stated, this paper tends to review early literature from 1983 to 2002 about the internet and sexual behavior.

2010 Male victims of male sexual assault; A review of psychological consequences and treatment.

Women’s sexual assault and rape have received a lot of attention from society, in contrast to male sexual assault, which is rarely addressed. By underlining the effects of sexual assault on males as well as the effects of MSA in terms of self-disclosure and psychological repercussions, this essay aims to further the conversation. There were also two main schools of thought that were discussed; the first one claimed that MSA is a sexually motivated crime that primarily involves homosexual men, while the other claimed that MSA is a reflection of issues with power, aggression, and domination and that its perpetrators are typically heterosexual men. MSA has a number of negative effects, including shame, despair, anger, sexual dysfunction, and self-doubt for the victim. Asides the consequences of male sexual assault, this paper extended its research to the effective treatment interventions for the related consequences.

2010 Marshal: The role of attachments, intimacy and loneliness in the etiology and maintenance of sexual offending.

The vulnerability of the offender is a crucial component of the general theory of sex offending. Poor quality attachment relationships between the youngster who will grow up to commit sex crimes and his parents are the main cause of this vulnerability. Low self-confidence and a lack of empathy for others are caused by poor quality bonds. In order to show a connection between low-quality attachments, loneliness, closeness, and the inclination to sexually offend, this paper makes an effort to combine all of these processes.

2010 Clergy sexual misconduct: Frequency and causation

The project’s goal was to investigate the root of clergy sexual misbehavior, and that goal is what this article describes. The study was limited to how men interacted with adult women, and it offers data on how frequently such misconduct occurs as well as suggestions for reducing it. The findings of studies on education, care, and openness served as the basis for these suggestions.

2010 Childhood emotional abuse predicts late adolescent sexual aggression perpetration and victimization.

Less is known about the role played by childhood emotional abuse than the role played by childhood physical and sexual abuse as established risk factors for adult sexual aggression perpetration and victimization. This study presented evidence that early emotional abuse is a significant predictor of problems in adulthood, at least as significant as other types of abuse (such as early physical or sexual abuse), which are frequently seen as more problematic.

2009 When sex becomes a duty

It is more like a sexual and relationship therapy that discussed the dysfunction of sexual desire in people and came to the conclusion that women are more prone to it than males. It also looked at how these distressingly lowered levels of sexual desire affect men and women, as well as how they view and analyze their experiences in the context of modern culture and society.

2010 Carnes the anatomy of arousal: Three internet portals

Understanding the mechanisms that influence arousal is made possible by the sexual behavior of Internet users. As a result, this paper examines three distinct sexual patterns known as “Lolita, Chick trick, and Granny sites” to better understand how the internet might be used by academics to speed their perspective of the world. These sex-related websites have gained popularity, which has led to an issue with pornography in the workplace. Furthermore, in as much as the internet has opened doors for many people, it has also set traps for others, and these problems need to be investigated to prevent new perpetrators. To add, to have a better understanding of what the risks are when sexual exploration on the internet goes awry is also vital.