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2012 Wise mind risky mind: A conceptualization of dialectical behavior therapy concepts and its application to sexual offender treatment.

This essay intends to provide a reconceptualization of dialectic behavior therapy (DBT), “wise mind risky mind,” and its application to the treatment of sexual offenders. This reframing may offer an alternate way of viewing the therapy of sexual offenders and shows some potential in tackling problems with general, affective, cognitive, and sexual dysregulation. The wise mind risky mind dialectical construct offer clients and therapists a shared language that captures and validates the experiential challenges that clients have in successfully regulating their risk for sexual offence. Clients can benefit from help controlling issues with dysregulation in a variety of domains by incorporating DBT ideas into conventional programmes for treating sexual offenders. When addressing the dynamics of sexual offending, it can also provide a more comprehensive therapy approach.

2012 Explaining sex offenders; The concept of imprinting

Imprinting is regarded in this study as a learnt behavior for sex offenders. Accordingly, a large number of sex offender’s experienced sexual abuse as children. The imprinting results from the sex offender’s own sexual abuse, which usually occurred as a child and was frequently committed by a parent or other family member.

2011 Sexual function in women with a history of intra-familial childhood sexual abuse

In this study, the relationship between sexual issues and the degree of CSA was examined, as well as sexual function in women who had experienced severe intra-familial childhood sexual abuse (CSA). Due to severe CSA, which in turn led to dissatisfaction in their sexual life, a few number of women were given special attention in their psychotherapy. Both physical discomfort from affectionate touching and sexual dysfunction affected these ladies. Taking this into consideration, it went on to stress the significance of addressing sexuality and performing sexuality screenings in treatment.

2012 The profile and treatment of male adolescent sex offender

This article lists the most notable traits of male adolescent ex-offenders, including their backgrounds in family and school, their sexual attitudes, social skills and relationships, other criminal behaviors, psychiatric diagnoses, and most importantly cognitive distortions based on false assumptions and misinformation. Additionally, it implies that effective self-interventions against relapse and reoffending must be developed along with a foundation of morality, remorse and empathy for victims, knowledge of sexuality, and fundamental interpersonal skills. Treatment must also mandate accountability and the correction of thinking errors.

2011 Sentencing outcome of convicted child sex offenders

Understanding the criminal justice system requires an understanding of sentencing results. This study investigates the sentences imposed on child sex offenders based on information gathered over an eight-year period. The duration of the jail sentence, the length of the probation sentence, and whether the convicted offender is really sent to prison or probation are examined using multiple regression and nominal log linear regression. While many independent variables appear to be related to sentence outcome, they fall into three categories: characteristics of the offender, characteristics of the victim, and characteristics of the crime.  This study also demonstrates that, at least in relation to these statistics, the criminal justice system’s sentencing procedure is effective because individuals who committed more serious crimes received longer terms.

2010 Sexual relationships following brain injury.

Sexual function is significantly impacted by brain impairment. Also, the impact of a brain damage on motor, sensory, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional function can either have a direct or indirect impact on sexual function. Furthermore, the prevalence and form of sexual dysfunction after traumatic brain injury are examined in studies. A suitable course of action for intervention is explored as well as ways to ascertain the nature of such sexual issues and proactive approaches to assessment and intervention is advocated.

2011 An investigation of the incidence of client-perpetrated sexual violence against male sex workers.

The occurrence and circumstances of client-perpetrated sexual violence against male sex workers are examined in this research study. In this study of 50 male escorts, four different methods—web surveys, tick-box questionnaires, telephone interviews, and in-person interviews—were used. It was discovered that client-perpetrated sexual violence in the context of male sex employment seems to be rare.

2010 Gender differences in the perceptions for the ideal sex partner

The study’s goal was to determine whether there were any gender variations in preferences for specific qualities in a sexual partner as well as how well men and women can predict the preferences of the other gender. For this investigation, several studies were conducted. The comparison between men’s reported preferences and women’s ratings regarding what they believed men preferred revealed that women overestimated men’s preference for a partner who compliments them during sex, while men underestimated women’s preference for a partner who expresses desire clearly and experiences orgasm quickly.

2010 Domestic violence and intimacy; What the relationship therapist needs to know.

The paper examines domestic violence victims and provides a modern, multifaceted explanation of why it happens. The concerns for women as victims, men as offenders, and the environment that sustains them are the key topics of discussion. In order to help therapists retain their observations of such violence within a wider perspective, references to specific publications from the body of research on violence in same-sex relationships are also provided. This papers provide information on understanding of the major concerns in domestic violence. Additionally, domestic violence is acknowledged and heightened awareness of it in relation to other presenting issues is urged for therapists dealing with couples.

2010 Big and tough: Boys learning about sexuality and manhood.

This essay investigates how teenage boys respond to and perceive sex education taught in schools. It describes prominent patterns of response and suggests explanations for boys’ frequent rejection and disruption of courses using data and conclusions from a variety of studies. Hierarchies of masculine sexual power and position as well as the relationship between physical size and social capital are discussed. It is shown through evidence that arrogance and disruption are responses to sex education that ignores the requirements of boys. All in all, people must design learning situations where they can, if only briefly, set aside the need to act rigidly sex-stereotypically.