It discusses a man’s paedophilic past and his complete recovery from paedophilia with the intention of inspiring many people. It describes how he was drawn to children and could not help admiring them, but not adults. Last but not least, he completely overcame his paedophilia (at the Portman Facility, the only psychoanalytic NHS clinic at the time that provided that curative treatment), and he will always be grateful for the freedom that the NHS treatment afforded him.
Category: Orgs for Support
2015 Family or caregiver instability, parental attachment, and the relationship to juvenile sex offending.
This study investigates how parental attachment and carer instability affect the incidence of adolescent sex offences. The relatively low correlation between disrupted parental attachment and juvenile sex offence in this study may be due to the detained adolescents’ inclination to idealize their parents or carers. The results of this study’s investigation into the consequences of parent and carer instability are in line with previous studies that suggest weak parental boundaries and family upheaval may contribute to juvenile sexual behavior and crime (Dallaire & Wilson,2010; Merrick, Litrownik, Everson, & Cox,2008). Also, the lack of supervision in a homeless setting, observing hitting, slapping, or punching in the home may serve to reinforce negative behavior in the juvenile’s mind and, in turn, cause them to display such behavior when involved in an intimate relationship.
2012 Explaining sex offenders; The concept of imprinting
Imprinting is regarded in this study as a learnt behavior for sex offenders. Accordingly, a large number of sex offender’s experienced sexual abuse as children. The imprinting results from the sex offender’s own sexual abuse, which usually occurred as a child and was frequently committed by a parent or other family member.
2007 Sexual and relationship dysfunctional in sexual offenders.
The prevalence of marital/relationship dysfunction and of sexual dysfunction among 74 newly sentenced sexual offenders serving custodial sentences in prison was assessed using GRIMS and GRISS. Relationships between scores on these measures were also examined.
Sexual offences and help for victims forgotten
It talks about how the need of the other parties involved in sexual abuse could be forgotten. It says that some of them need help as much as the direct victim. This article describes some positive and practical attempt to meet these needs.
2007 Literature update: Paraphilia
In order to treat convicted sex offenders in the community, Avon Probation Service runs a group, which is described in this essay. 63 men joined the group over the course of the study, and of the 55 men who departed during that time, 65% had not committed a new offence by the time it was over. This led to the statement that long-term support for offenders would help things even more positively.
2007 Issues in the assessment and treatment of male sex offenders with mild learning disabilities
Using the framework of the cognitive-behavioral approach, which predominates the specialized psychological literature, this research highlights some of the challenges involved in the assessment and treatment of male sex offenders with mild learning disabilities
Cognitive distortions and blame attribution among pedophiles
It examined many perspectives on the cognitive illusions used by child predators, such as the idea that having sex with an adult is a good method to teach a youngster about sex even if the child doesn’t physically refuse the adult’s advances. In summary, it is found that pedophiles are more likely to blame their sex crime on the victim and broader society factors and fail to take responsibility for their acts the more they attempt to defend the idea of child molestation.