Describes chronic pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that lasts longer than three months after the typical healing period from an illness and is linked to actual or potential tissue damage or defined in terms of such damage. It goes on to discuss many methods for managing this pain, including goal-setting, communication, sleep, exercise, and dealing with flare-ups. Other methods include maintaining a balanced approach to activities to prevent burnout or total inactivity.
Category: Adult
Understanding the signs of panic and agoraphobia, such as racing heartbeat, lightheadedness, and tense muscles, as well as the variables that can cause panic, such as crowds, wide open spaces, and enclosed locations, can be helpful. Further research revealed that biological factors, thinking patterns, life events, and evolutionary factors all contribute to the development of panic. Finally, techniques for overcoming panic include learning more about anxiety and panic, developing breathing techniques, confronting anxieties, and challenging harmful thinking.
Paedophile OCD or POCD
Article in the Guardian about this.
You mentally undress your friends, Tony Blair, the lollipop lady. Your thoughts are X-rated. You wonder if you’re a paedophile – or just losing your mind. A sufferer describes the nightmare – and dark comedy – of living with pure OCD
Living with Pedophilia OCD
Fear of being a Paedophile
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