Lives Wires: The moment I discovered my husband was accessing illegal images of children

A 23 minute interview describing the early morning ‘raid’ by police and one lady’s reaction to this and subsequent feelings regarding her husband’s actions. Since that morning they have not met and any contact (arranging divorce) has not been in person. This was a marriage which was already struggling, there were grown up children and grandchildren also to be told as well as relatives. The lady took an attitude of openness about the offence.

Beyond Today (Radio 4, Matthew Price): Hurting Innocent People. What happens when paedophile hunters catch your Dad

Following the live streaming of a ‘sting’ a reporter from the Victoria Derbyshire programme who knew the person concerned investigated further with a colleague. Two days later the ‘target’ was dead by suicide. The daughter of the man speaks on the programme about how she was physically abused and targeted by members of the public. She meets a paedophile hunter, who, accepting the harm done, no longer carries out such stings but educates against online grooming.

The Man Who Dares to Bring Science & Humanity to the World of “Monsters”

You tube interview with James Cantor concerning his research on paedophilia, professional ethics and the ‘lack of choice’ regarding sexuality The need for anonymous helplines, and interventions necessary are covered. The negative effect of mandatory reporting on protecting children (in that people do not seek help) and methods for such protection is discussed.

How safe are our children?

The SafeToNet Foundation has published a safeguarding podcast in which Holly Bentley and Martha Kirby of the NSPCC talk about the 2019 edition of the NSPCC’s How safe are our children? report. The report focusses on the most up-to-date statistics relating to issues of online safety and online abuse in the UK, and the podcast explores the ten indicators that form the framework of the report.

Listen to the podcast: How safe are our children? A discussion with the NSPCC

The truth about paedophilia

Sexual attraction to children is a lot more common than most people realise. The background to paedophilia is given, what may lead to people acting on this and how non-paedophiles may abuse children. Three men who say they’ve never offended but struggle with the attraction they feel towards children talk about their lives, and includes the fear of mandatory reporting should they ask for help. Issues which may lead to abuse occurring are covered, such as opportunity, impulse control, substance abuse and cognitive impairment.

The Paedophile next door (True crime documentary)

This programme addresses how children can be kept safer in today’s society. In order to do this a non-offending paedophile is interviewed, police experts talk and Dr Sarah Goode puts forward the need to understand the issues. It looks back at a time when the ‘Paedophile Information Exchange’ was active and partitioned parliament on age of consent. This enabled a network where abusers in care homes and schools were active. The public protests in the 1990’s when paedophiles were housed in the community are shown and the effect of this driving offenders from where they lived to places unknown to the authorities. Offering help before a paedophile acts out is advocated and the need to listen to these people stressed. Preventative measures around online safety in the home, community support (Circles) and the Prevention project Dunkelfeld are outlined.

Safeguarding in faith communities

The NSPCC has released the latest episode of its child protection podcast series. This week’s episode focuses on what safeguarding means to faith communities and groups. The podcast discusses the important role faith communities play in children and young people’s lives, and covers topics including: why faith groups need to understand their safeguarding responsibilities; the challenges that safeguarding children and young people in faith communities brings; and how faith communities can develop a safeguarding culture that works alongside other cultural beliefs, values and customs.

Listen to the podcast:  Faith-based communities

Effect of having a parent in prison

Mary Falcon talks to Katelen Fortunati, the author of the Safer Society’s Storybooks for children with incarcerated parent(s). (See Self Help, Children / Adolescents). They discuss, how parent-child attachments are impacted by parental incarceration, how communication is affected and ways around this by drawing and writing to the parent; also the importance of truth about the situation. Attachment and mental health issues are discussed. Counselling and accompanying the children on visits to the incarcerated parent also formed part of Katelen’s work.