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Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)

MAPPA is the body which brings together police, probation, prison services and other relevant agencies (such as health and housing) to ensure successful management of violent and sexual offenders in the community.

Detailed information about how MAPPA works can be found at:

Guidance for the professionals (which is also on the MAPPA site above):–2

Internet Watch Foundation

This body work internationally to make the internet a safer place. They invite the public to report images and videos of child sexual abuse anonymously, and search themselves to identify then remove sites. Statistics are given as to the number of sites removed and their locations.

They include the sources used for determining their assessment and removal of content:

The site also covers legal guidelines on the law relating to the internet and assessing images:

Computer evidence

Advice is given on the website of Graham Dilloway, a computer expert witness.

The most useful pages might be:

Regarding definitions:

Issues around whether there is specific evidence of a deliberate act:

Misunderstanding by officers of what has been found:

Prosecuting Sexual Offences Report. A Report by JUSTICE.

© JUSTICE 2019.
Chair of the Committee HH Peter Rook QC.

JUSTICE is an all-party law reform and human rights organisation. This Working Party set out to identify where the system could become more efficient (in view of the increasing numbers of offences and the criminal justice system struggling with the workload). However, they actually take a more holistic view. ‘An approach that understands what causes sexual offending and seeks to address this through efforts that prevent crime, divert from prosecution and reduce reoffending, is key’. Prevention through education for both perpetrator and children, voluntary risk management programmes, and how sexual offending may be reduced are examined. Improving witness evidence, and the legal process through to sentencing are considered and a revised approach to Sexual Harm Prevention Orders and notification requirements is recommended. The report’s recommendations are made with the aim of a greater focus on evidence based policies to seek to reduce the level of sexual offending.

Key messages from research on identifying and responding to disclosures of child sexual abuse.

Debra Allnock, Pam Miller and Helen Baker. University of Bedfordshire and NSPCC. September 2019.

This review of research presents different aspects of the impact of disclosure of child abuse by a child, adolescent or adult. The different ways in which children disclose are covered. The mode of communication, may be verba (directly telling or indirectly – by e.g. saying does not want to go somewhere), or non-verbal by actions. Spontaneity or intent may be factors. Children may want teachers to notice signs such as self-harm, eating disorders, acting out in class, and being alone and withdrawn at school.

Disclosure can be traumatic and have both short and long term effects on children’s emotional wellbeing and need to be handled correctly. Some children report feeling ‘relief’ and ‘pride’ after disclosing. However, children also report feeling embarrassment, anger and sadness.

Younger children are more likely to confide in a parent or family member, while adolescents are more likely to confide in a friend or peer. Professionals in universal settings such as health and education are well placed to identify children who are experiencing – or have experienced – abuse and may be trying to communicate this. Teachers are the professionals to whom children most commonly make initial disclosures. Seldom is it to police or social workers.

Professionals should consider appropriate support for children, and their families, in the immediate period following disclosure.

How Safe are our Children. An overview of data on child abuse online. NSPCC 2019.

The online world continues to be unacceptably dangerous for children with social media companies not giving thought to how safe their sites are. This report looks at children’s use of different social media platforms, what could be done to make this safer and lists the forms of online abuse.

Data for indicators are presented which examine the experience of abuse, give the crime statistics, and those from helplines and the internet watch foundation, knowledge around safety and what needs to be done to improve online safety. Each element is discussed by an expert, giving further insight into each topic area.

CPS: Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Report. 2018-19.

(Includes data on men and boys).

This crime report details areas of Domestic Abuse and Stalking; Rape; So-called ‘honour-based’ abuse, female genital mutilation and forced marriage; Child sexual Abuse; and Modern Slavery. Chief Crown Prosecutor leads for each of these strands are introduced. Context, Key CPS data and Analysis, Actions taken to improve prosecution performance, and Future Priorities are given for each of the groups of offences. Detailed data are given for each strand (with some breakdowns into different offences) which includes pre-and post-charge decisions, CPS consultation numbers, timelines, prosecution outcomes, reasons for non-convictions and equalities data.

SUMMARY: Adverse childhood experiences summary. What we know, what we don’t know, and what should happen next.

Kirsten Asmussen, Freyja Fischer, Elaine Drayton and Tom McBride. The Early Intervention Foundation. February 2020.

This research charity focuses on promoting and enabling an evidence-based approach to early intervention. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traditionally understood as a set of 10 traumatic events or circumstances occurring before the age of 18 that have been shown through research to increase the risk of adult mental health problems and debilitating diseases. Five of these relate to forms of abuse. However, other adverse events exist and should not be ignored. The lack of evidence in several areas is highlighted.

Puppet on a string: The urgent need to cut children free from sexual exploitation.

© Barnardo’s, 2011.

The policy recommendations set out in this report are focused on England, but it is acknowledged that this is a UK-wide issue that needs to be addressed by governments across the UK.

The case is made for: Raising awareness to improve early identification of child sexual exploitation; Improving statutory responses and the provision of services universal to specialist services; Improving the evidence; Improving prosecution procedures.