The Blog

Massive miscarriage of justice

Back in 2002 Operation Ore, a police investigation in the USA started into people accessing online child pornography sites. The information came from the use of credit cards. However, after many convictions and the lives and families being destroyed, the evidence showed that many of those convicted weren’t paedophiles at all. They were victims of straightforward online credit card fraud.

Child Protection Plans

What Works for Children’s Social Care head of practice, Anna Bacchoo, discusses child protection plans and asks how they could be more effective. The blog describes a new approach to creating plans in conferences and network meetings developed by Warrington Borough Council which aims to share responsibility for plans more effectively across the network and support parents to set achievable goals. The blog invites social workers to get in touch with views on the type of study which could explore how effective child protection plans are, for whom and in what circumstances. 

Read the blog: Could we be doing more to improve child protection plans?