This essay investigates how teenage boys respond to and perceive sex education taught in schools. It describes prominent patterns of response and suggests explanations for boys’ frequent rejection and disruption of courses using data and conclusions from a variety of studies. Hierarchies of masculine sexual power and position as well as the relationship between physical size and social capital are discussed. It is shown through evidence that arrogance and disruption are responses to sex education that ignores the requirements of boys. All in all, people must design learning situations where they can, if only briefly, set aside the need to act rigidly sex-stereotypically.
Category: Safeguarding
2010 Marshal: The role of attachments, intimacy and loneliness in the etiology and maintenance of sexual offending.
The vulnerability of the offender is a crucial component of the general theory of sex offending. Poor quality attachment relationships between the youngster who will grow up to commit sex crimes and his parents are the main cause of this vulnerability. Low self-confidence and a lack of empathy for others are caused by poor quality bonds. In order to show a connection between low-quality attachments, loneliness, closeness, and the inclination to sexually offend, this paper makes an effort to combine all of these processes.
2010 Carnes the anatomy of arousal: Three internet portals
Understanding the mechanisms that influence arousal is made possible by the sexual behavior of Internet users. As a result, this paper examines three distinct sexual patterns known as “Lolita, Chick trick, and Granny sites” to better understand how the internet might be used by academics to speed their perspective of the world. These sex-related websites have gained popularity, which has led to an issue with pornography in the workplace. Furthermore, in as much as the internet has opened doors for many people, it has also set traps for others, and these problems need to be investigated to prevent new perpetrators. To add, to have a better understanding of what the risks are when sexual exploration on the internet goes awry is also vital.
2009 Sexual and non-sexual boundaries in professional relationships: Principles and teaching guidelines
Maintaining boundaries is necessary for healthy professional relationships, especially when there is a power imbalance between the participants. One is likely to encounter coworkers or clients in the normal course of professional life who they are sexually attracted to, but how these sentiments are handled is regarded as a challenge for the medical field. Finally, it is crucial to think about the potential ramifications of any boundary-crossing decisions, to seek advice from others about proper standard behavior, and to be sincere with ourselves about whose needs are being satisfied.
2009 Beech dynamic risk factors: A theoretical dead end.
This essay offers different frameworks for comprehending dynamic risk factors and discusses how they might be used to build theories and develop use cases. It claims that the current application of the idea of dynamic risk variables is bringing the study of sexual offences to a theoretical standstill. Additionally, it hopes to inspire academics and professionals to adopt a fresh perspective on the problem of dynamic risk variables.
2007 Therapist or public protector ethical responses to anti-social sexual behaviour
This paper explores some of the ethical dilemmas, in particular confidentiality, compulsory treatment and preventive detention that emerge in the context of treating individuals whose sexual behavior becomes a problem for society. The primary conflict is between ones professional and civic obligations.
2007 Grubin: Therapist or public protector, ethical responses to anti-social sexual behavior.
The ethical issues that arise when treating people whose sexual activity causes problems for society are examined in this essay, with a focus on secrecy, required therapy, and preventive detention.
2006 sex education in school is insufficient to support adolescent in the 21st century.
Discusses the benefits of sex education for adolescents as they are under great pressure to be sexually active and explorative, including the chance to grow into their sexually independent selves. In essence, adolescents require accurate information, emotional and interpersonal support, and opportunities to make their own sexual decisions, regardless of their gender or orientation. It goes further to talk about a suitable setting for teaching young people about sex.